Why The Blog Is Quiet Right Now

For the few people that frequent this blog (both of you), you might be asking yourself why the updates have slowed down. This is due to 2 reasons:

1: A lot of the code I wrote when I started with chrawl is really slow and unoptimized because I had no experience with Unity. I have mainly been working on rewriting things like map generation, shaders, and so on. These things aren’t really prime candidates for showing off, so I didn’t bother writing a devlog about them.

2: Chrawl is the first 3d game I worked on, and because of that I often progress a lot slower than I would like to, and tbh, I find a lot of 3d work really tiring and frustrating. I hope that will eventually stop, but for now I just have to power through it. :)


Written on August 27, 2015